During hospitalization, Marc was diagnosed with pneumonia and received orders for a Modified Barium Swallowing Study, resulting in recommendations for consuming only honey-thick liquids and soft solids. Having previously been on a regular diet, Marc was discouraged and continued to lose weight/become dehydrated during hospitalization. Marc was then admitted to for subacute rehab. 

Following a comprehensive evaluation, Marc began to display progress with his individualized plan of care with Speech Therapy, focusing on swallow/cough rehabilitation, training on safe swallow strategies, and tolerance of swallowing exercises. His Speech Therapist (SLP) then recommended a Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES) with Powerback Rehabilitation to be completed. The FEES Endoscopist assessed Marc's swallow function and recommended a upgrade to regular solids and thin liquids using individualized, safe swallow strategies. Marc and his family were so grateful for skilled evaluation, therapy services, and the ability to advance his diet, significantly improving his overall quality of life.

Marc was intrigued by the skilled FEES service provided in the comfort of his space. He was very interested in seeing the immediate feedback from the FEES video the Powerback Endoscopist provided. He saw the inside of his throat and what happened when he swallowed.

"[The FEES] was a new experience for me. I had to work very hard in therapy to drink water again– and I'm very glad I did." –Marc, Powerback FEES Patient.

Contact Powerback today to make an impact with FEES at your care center!

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