Phyllis was admitted to rehabilitation with a history of head and neck cancer, including a mass in her throat that was diagnosed in the Fall of 2022. Before arriving at the facility, Phyllis was unable to receive food or liquids by mouth, instead requiring alternate means of hydration and nutrition through tube feedings.

Upon referral to Speech Therapy to evaluate her swallowing abilities, the primary Speech Therapist (SLP) thoroughly reviewed Phyllis’s history and medical documentation. It was discovered that Phyllis had not previously participated in an instrumental swallow study during past hospitalizations. In addition, Phyllis had reportedly received very little education on her swallowing impairment before admission how head and neck cancer and its treatments may negatively impact her swallow function. To get an objective look at Phyllis's swallow function and anatomy, the primary SLP advocated for an instrumental swallow study called a Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES). 

An Endoscopist with Powerback Rehabilitation’s Swallow Solutions team provided the in-house service. The examination resulted in successful findings – Phyllis could upgrade her diet from to oral intake of soft solids and thin liquids! 

Phyllis was grateful and excited to begin eating food and drinking naturally again; she was looking forward to going to a local restaurant to celebrate! Phyllis was then discharged home from rehabilitation services with an improved understanding of her disease management and swallow safety. Her quality of life was positively impacted through the FEES service and the dedicated Powerback Rehabilitation team.

"It's time to celebrate– I'm going to Longhorn Steakhouse!" –Phyllis, Powerback FEES Patient.

Contact Powerback today to make an impact with FEES at your care center!

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